Acne is an annoying skin condition that affects people of every age, gender, and race. It is the term for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and even deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. Acne lesions range in severity from comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) to nodules and cysts. Acne affects most teenagers to some extent. When severe, acne can lead to serious and permanent scarring. While not a life threatening condition, acne can be upsetting and disfiguring. Even less severe cases can lead to scarring.
However, the disease is not restricted to any age group; adults in their 20s - even into their 40s - can get acne. You need two to four treatments to kill [[bacteria]] and keep skin clear for 5 months or up to 2 years. Over the counter products aren't strong enough to treat severe acne. Try using a product with 10% benzoyl peroxide plus another product with 2% percent salicylic acid. Keep a daily routine faithfully and if your skin doesn't improve see your dermatologist.
ACNE Solution
Acne can be treated by either taking prescribed medicines or by trying out the non-prescription acne products. Whatever way you choose to cure your acne, the basic methodology that these medicines and non-prescription products employ remains identical.
The acne treatment usually takes six to eight weeks to work. Many people have commented before that I recommend vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) a lot to acne sufferers.
ACNE Program
To avoid having acne scars, you need to start an acne-clearing program before you get acne or just as soon as you see acne coming.
* Clearing Your Acne
To clear acne it is not always possible to just do one thing and expect acne to go away. But it may be possible to just use a special cream and have your acne diminish or clear.
* Using Acne Face Creams
Use your favorite face cream after you have cleaned your face with a chemical free soap, in the morning and right before you go to bed. Spread the cream on your face all around and massage into your face gently so the skin absorbs the oils in this cream. It will seal the pores and hold the natural moisture of the skin and enhance the curing effects of the cream. You can also use it during noontime.
* Relieve Your Constipation
Getting your bowels moving and cleaning out your colon. That will minimize the toxins that can seep out of your facial pores and contribute to acne.
* Adding Essential Fatty Acids To Your Diet
The three fatty acids you need daily are omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9. You need more omega 6, olive oil, than omega 3. These fatty acids can help control the production of androgens. These oils can come from straight vegetable oils or from oils in specific foods such as nuts and seeds.
* Foods to Stop Eating
Here are they foods that you need to stop eating. You don't need to stop eating these foods instantly. Not many people can do this. You need to do this gradually. It can be done but do it slowly. Which do you want to be? Acne free or a junk food addict?
* Juices You Should Be Drinking
Drinking fruit juices help to bring vitamins and minerals quickly into your blood where they can supply what is necessary for acne free skin. Here are some juices to drink that will keep your face free of acne: Apple juice, Apricot-berry juice, Cherry juice, Lemon Juice, Melons, Orange-grapefruit, Orange-lemon juice, Peach juice, Pear juice, Pineapple juice, Prune juice or Strawberry juice.
* Fruits You Should Eat
Eating fruits that are red or orange in color will help improve you skin health and help to prevent acne. These fruits below are useful for acne since they have an antibiotic effect: Grapes, Plums, Figs, Raspberries, Blueberries, Honey, Apple juice, Grape juice. Use as many of these fruits in your diet. If you do, you will start to see improvement in your skin and your acne will start to clear up.
* Vegetables to Eat and Drink
Eating and drinking vegetables is necessary for good health and for keeping your skin free from acne. Vegetable juices are absorbed quickly into your bloodstream. Vegetable juices give you the opportunity to get quick relief from various body conditions such as acne, skin disorders, and constipation. Concentrate on putting minerals into your body by eating and drinking plenty of fruits and vegetables.
* Protein and Other Food to Eat
Here are some of the foods that can help you overcome the acne on your face or throughout your body. Here are the grains you should be eating: Brown rice, Whole grains, Oats, Almonds, Flax, Pecans, Pine, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds.
* Vitamins You Should Be Taking
Here are some of the vitamins you should be taking to help you get rid of acne : Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E. Here are them most important minerals to take when you have acne: Calcium Hydroxyapatite Complex, Chromium, Mineral electrolytes, Zinc gluconate.
After you have gain relief from acne, you can discontinue the use of the above supplements and get back to your normal supplementation program. Continual use of high doses of vitamins and minerals will offset you natural body's chemical balance and is detrimental to your health in the long run.
ACNE Prevention
Acne prevention is very difficult. What can be done is to take the necessary measures not to make it worse. The most important rule is to keep skin clean and not to squeeze the pimples. Squeezing the pimples temporarily removes your enemy from your face but it does not remove the cause for the disease.
Hygiene is very important for keeping acne under control. When skin is dirty, this places an additional burden on the pores, thus making oil secretion even more difficult. Therefore, it is recommended always to use clean towels to wipe your face.
Using specially designed cleaning lotions can help to remove oil, sweat and acne-producing bacteria from the face, just take care not to scrub your face too hard as this can irritate any pimples on your face and make the acne worse.
Related Links
# ACNE Solution
# Acne Scars: Cause, Prevention and Treatment
# International Articles about ACNE
# Woman Articles